Professor Ramadhan Ggoobi
Economist/Researcher. Keynote SpeakerRamathan Ggoobi is an economist and policy analyst. He’s a disciple of “economics that works,” and he teaches the same at Makerere University Business School (MUBS), where he also heads a think-tank – the MUBS Economic Forum.
His research interests are in industrial policy, economic policy and political economy. He is a regular pundit in media on economic issues and writes a weekly column, “Are You Listening Mr. President” in The Sunrise Newspaper.
Ramathan has consulted with Overseas Development Institute (ODI) UK; International Labour Organization (ILO); International Monetary Fund (IMF); Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES); Financial Sector Deepening Uganda (FSDU); Government of Uganda; Action Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE), and many others. He is Director at the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC), the GOU’s investment arm.

Mrs. Grace Kiwanuka
CEO Uganda Health Federation (UHF) DiscussantMrs. Grace Ssali Kiwanuka is Executive Director of the Uganda Healthcare Federation (UHF). UHF is an association of associations, membership umbrella body for the Uganda private health sector, championing private health sector interests through advocacy and program implementation.
With over 10 years private health sector management experience, Grace Co-Chairs Uganda’s Public Private Partnerships in Health Technical Working Group, represents private sector on the Ministry of Health – Health Policy Advisory Committee, is part of the National Health Insurance Task Force and contributes to the National Quality in Health Coordination Committee.

Dr. Doris Mwesigire Mutabazi
CEO Semliki Royal Group Discussant
Dr. Ben Kajwang
CEO College of Insurance Discussant
Mr. Bernard Obel
Director Supervision – (IRAU). DiscussantBenerd is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of UK, and is a member of the Certified Public Accountants of both Kenya and Uganda. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Management College of Southern Africa, a Bachelors of Commerce degree in Insurance from Makerere University, and ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business. Currently he is pursuing a fellowship of the Chartered Insurance Institute of London
Benerd has 24 years’ experience as a regulator and as a practioner in the Insurance industry .He has held various positions in the Authority ranging from Assistant Commissioner Finance and Investment, Assistant Commissioner Technical and Assistant Director Operations and is currently the Director Supervision . Prior to his employment at the Authority, Benerd was an Insurance practioner with National Insurance Corporation and Jubilee Insurance Company.
Benerd has served in various committees of the Authority and in the Financial Sector and is a Paul Harris Fellow .