Ramathan Ggoobi is an economist and policy analyst. He’s a disciple of “economics that works,” and he teaches the same at Makerere University Business School (MUBS), where he also heads a think-tank – the MUBS Economic Forum.
His research interests are in industrial policy, economic policy and political economy. He is a regular pundit in media on economic issues and writes a weekly column, “Are You Listening Mr. President” in The Sunrise Newspaper.
Ramathan has consulted with Overseas Development Institute (ODI) UK; International Labour Organization (ILO); International Monetary Fund (IMF); Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES); Financial Sector Deepening Uganda (FSDU); Government of Uganda; Action Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE), and many others. He is Director at the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC), the GOU’s investment arm.